We turn online communities into structured knowledge
At Rewise we use NLP to semantically understand, organize and search millions of car owner questions, answers and comments. Every month we serve over 4 million users in our multiple sites

Play with our NLP tech

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Try our natural language tech that understands about car problems

Car problem:
Parsed semantic:


It's the largest website in Spanish for vehicle owners Q&A and car problems

  • Over 700.000 threads with questions, problems and solutions
  • Over 1.3 million registered car owners
  • We've built a semantic knowledge graph covering vehicle parts, mechanics and problems
  • We guide our users to complete missing data, creating a virtuous cycle
  • We process user contributions to build the most complete automotive datatasets
4596 users online right now

Come join us!

We are on a mission to bridge the gap between individual and collective intelligence, turning small scale conversations into massive knowledge that everyone can freely access.

name Your work will have a direct impact
Over 4 million people in need of answers and solutions to their problems visit us every month. You'll be able to apply innovative tech to help them, with freedom to try new solutions and think outside the box.
name Be part of a unique team
We are a high performing data driven team. We like to build and create stuff. We strive for maximizing impact and personal satisfaction in developing a remarkable product. We are bootstrapped and we get to set our own rules.
Open positions
Lead Product Designer
We are creating novel ways for communities to share information, organize it and build on it. Data driven, bold and looking to innovate.
name Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lead Frontend Developer
We are rebuilding our frontend from scratch using SSR, Svelte and React. We care about scalability, design systems, pixels and milliseconds.
name Buenos Aires, Argentina
Data Scientist
Most of the data we collect is counted in millions: posts, user vehicles, type of car problems, searches and more. Help us process and unlock all the value in this data.
name Remote position